Friday, July 22, 2011

The Agricultural View
July 2011 by Ralph D. Coffman


July 4 Thomas Jefferson
started learning at an early age and never stopped – he loved learning!
At 5, he began studying under his cousin’s tutor.
At 9, he studied Latin, Greek and French.
At 14 his father, his mentor and the hardest working man he had ever known, died suddenly.
At 16, he entered the College of William and Mary.
At 19, he studied Law for 5 years under George Wythe.
At 23, he owned his own law practice.
At 25, he was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.
At 33 he wrote the Declaration of Independence (see page 5). It was initially called Jefferson’s Manifesto of Freedom. Whenever he struggled while writing the divinely inspired document he would play classical music on his violin to reformat (refocus), and calm, his mind.
He died at age 83 (July 4) on the 50th anniversary of the Document’s signing.
Thomas Jefferson Quotes:
“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”
“It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes - a principle which if acted on, would save one-half the wars of the world.”


Alta’s Passions
I like to be frugal when possible, may I suggest basic homemade cleaning products. Dishwashing Detergent – mix 1 cup of borax, 1 cup of baking soda, ¼ cup of table salt, 2 packets of unsweetened lemon Kool-Aid. Use one tablespoon each load. Basic Glass Cleaner: mix ½ cup of white vinegar with 2/3 gallon of water. Use a spray bottle and dry the glass with crumpled newspaper.


Mercer’s Gems
1816 The Year Without A Summer
If you think that the weather of 2011 is strange how about 1816, the year without a summer? The winter of 1816 was the usual very cold and snowy winter. Spring seemed late with ice and snow still around in April. When the weather did finally break, farmers planted their crops only to find May so cold that all of the emerging new crops were destroyed. June 6th had one of the largest snow falls of 1816 with 10 inches of snow in the New England states. (USDA Bulletin #425 Chronological Landmarks in American Agriculture) There were killing frosts everymonth during the summer. Snow started in early October and stayed on the ground until April 1817. The northern hemisphere of the world was most affected with the New England States and Europe hardest hit. The cause of this unseasonable weather was a volcanic eruption in Indonesia on Mount Tambora in 1815. Some

"25 Cubic Miles" of volcanic dust was thrown into the atmosphere. This dust circled the earth and reflected sunlight back into space ("The Year Without A Summer" Scientific America, June 1979, Henry and Elizabeth Stommel). Hopefully, this would not happen again but we never know for sure.
Currently, we have the lowest Food Reserves in U.S. history and very few families have gardens, store food or can. If another 1816 occurs, how would most Americans react? Doug

Jersey and Guernsey cows are poor converters of precursors (Vitamin A), therefore, their milk is more yellow in color – higher in butterfat content.


Agricultural Education/FFA Teachers Born in Morgan County - those who have taught for at least a few months: Fred Abel, Larry Best, Rob Bob Brokaw, Gary Cook, William Cordray, Jack Devett, Jim Dougan, Riley Dougan, Dale Glass, Lewis Huck, Carlton Jenkins, Fred Kennard, Ray Keppler, Frank Leeper, William Massey, D. C. (Curt) McInturf, Melinda McKay (Witten), Doug Mercer, George Newborn, Howard Racin, Ralph Sawyer, Jeff Shaner, Roger Smith, John Starling, John Worthington. Please notify me of any corrections. Note: Add to the Washington County list of the May issue of the View: Harry Cogswell and Ralph Stout. 3

A Glance Back by Hugh Coffman
A majority of settlers from 1788-1790 in Washington County were farmers.
Farmers built flatboats to float their surplus farm produce down the Ohio River to Cincinnati and even New Orleans.
By 1820 hard times prevailed for farmers as there was a low demand for their produce.


Newborn Calves - have all 4 ruminant stomach compartments, however, only the abomasum is developed at birth. The milk is able to get to the abomasum through an oesophageal/esophageal groove which connects the esophagus to the abomasum. The other compartments will begin to develop when the calves receive rumen protozoa and bacteria (bugs) which they get from eating in locations (pan, feed trough, grass) where developed ruminants have eaten. These animals leave saliva containing the needed bugs where they have eaten which help activate the calves’ stomachs.


Marietta FFA Presidents:
1944 - Harry Cogswell, 1945 - Dean Zimmer,
1946 - Eugene Biehl, and in 1947 - Ralph Coffman (Ralph Sawyer’s 1st year).
Do any of you know who attended Ohio FFA Camp (Leesville Lake and current site) anytime from 1944-47 or before?

Thomas Jefferson - following is a record, taken from John Adam’s journal, of a conversation the committee (John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Robert Livingston and Roger Sherman) had concerning who should actually write the Declaration of Independence.

Jefferson immediately proposed that John Adams should prepare the initial draft. John Adams described what happened as follows: “Jefferson proposed to me to make the draft. I said: I will not. You should do it.”
Jefferson: “Oh, no! Why will you not? You ought to do it.”
Adams: “I will not!”
Jefferson: “Why?”
Adams: “Reasons enough.”
Jefferson: “What can be your reasons?” Adams: “Reason first – you are a Virginian, and a Virginian ought to appear at the head of this business. Reason second – “I am obnoxious, suspected, and unpopular. You are very much otherwise. Reason third – You can write ten times better that I can.”
Jefferson: “Well, if you are decided, I will do as well as I can.”

Side Note: Notice who points out Adam’s weaknesses – it’s Adams. Can you imagine today’s politicians being willing to do that?

It takes 4-5 lbs. of water to make 1 lb. of milk.

Teenage Corner
Of your own volition, and with a dictionary close by, read good works. Also play, or listen to, classical music.


SB5 / Budget
(Information I did not know concerning Ohio’s 8 Billion Dollar Budget Disaster). 1. Since 1977 Ohio has gone from a top 10 state with the best or lowest tax burden, to now in the bottom ten of the worst or highest tax burden states. 2. 2008-2011 Medicaid averaged a 9% annual growth. 3. Since 1990 Ohio has had a 41% growth in government. 4. Budget in Ohio: 52% - Health and Human Services, 24% - Primary & Secondary Education, 8.2% Higher Education, 7.1% - General Government, 6.2% - Justice and Public Protection, .3% - Environment and Natural Resources. 5. 3 million people in Ohio either work for, or depend upon, government - leaving the remaining 74% to pay for it. Public employees (teachers, firemen, policemen) in Ohio make 24.6% more than their private sector counterparts (with comparable education, experience, and position). Private sector workers have to work 45 years to receive the same total pay and benefits that public employees receive in 30 years. Some balance has to occur. What are each of us willing to give up for our children and grandchildren’s sake?

July (2011 Insert Page) The View

The advertisers in this issue support The Agricultural View and the promotion of agriculture, however, they may not necessarily agree with every point of view within the newsletter.


Farm Market & Greenhouses


Support your local FFA Chapter by becoming a member of the FFA Alumni
Ohio FFA Alumni Association
Contact :
$15 annual $150 lifetime

What luck for rulers that men do not think! Adolf Hitler


National Farmers
Maximum Marketing
Contact: Scott Upton 740-517-2577
Getting down to
Register today!
Washington State Community College


From the Editor’s Desk
I love America and the freedoms that we currently still enjoy. I hope you enjoy the patriotic emphasis in this issue. I have great concern for our state and federal debt disasters, and the plight of our farmers! Maybe your business, family or organization could sponsor a thank-a-farmer day. The View is intended to be brief, informative and thought provoking. Any mistakes are all mine. See the blog site for past issues: B

Great Book for Sale $10.00
“The Stories of Cowboy Bob O’Dell”
(From the Coal Fields to the Cranberry – Hatfield-McCoy, Local Sports Heroes)
Call 304-489-9234 or 304-615-2445
or write to
Cowboy Bob O’Dell
1293 Chesterfield Road
Mineral Wells, WV 26150

Newton Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Contact us:
Phone: 740-423-5000
Toll Free: 888-266-2603
1710 Washington Blvd. Suite A
Belpre, Ohio 45714


Rumination (chewing their cud) in cattle begins about one hour after eating. It continues for about 45 minutes. Feed is regurgitated and chewed again. Saliva is added and the feed is swallowed again. This process is repeated until the feed is digested enough to pass through the reticulum (also a screening device). Cattle have 6-8 rumination periods per day.

TDN – total digestible nutrients - the amount of energy in a feedstuff.


Scott Hart 35 Ray Harr Road
Owner Beverly, OH 45715
Rainbow c 740-350-2047
International o 740-984-2424
Restoration * Cleaning f 740-984-0424
Independently Owned & Operated Franchise
24 Hour Emergency Response
Deodorization Insurance claims from start to finish Carpet, upholstery & drapery cleaning
3M Scotchgard™ treatment
Pet stain & odor removal
Tile, grout & hard-surface cleaning ----------------------------------------------------------

Global Warming - Business and Farmers
The global warming tidal wave, lead by Al Gore, seems to have more holes surfacing. As always business and farmers seem to be climbing up the cause list. Why do they tend to select shorter periods of time to make their cases? Why, if you go back 3,000 years using the ocean sediment core, do we have basically the same temperature? Why do humans keep getting blamed for increased C02 when they contribute 2% with 98% of it coming from natural causes? Another concern for me is that a select few will make billions of dollars – the rest of us just pay!

Dan and Cindy Schott 5503 State Route 821 Whipple, Ohio 45788
740-585-2121 General Mechanic Work Truck Transmission and Rear Ends
4WD Parts and Repair


Edgell-Jackson Trucking, LLC
370 Gravel Bank Road Marietta, Ohio 45750
“Serving the USA Since 1977”
53’ Vans and Flatbeds Available
Operations Manager: TJ Edgell
Dispatch: Rick Pierce (740-374-2040)
Safety Director: Jo Ann Frame ----------------------------------------------------------
80% of the nutritional value of hay is in the leaves.

Gay Activists and California Schools
After suffering setbacks with voters on legalizing gay marriage in California, gay activists are now moving closer to victory in the classroom. Under pending legislation, it would mandate history lessons about gays and transgender Americans be taught.

The EPA, Oil, and Milk? It took the EPA over 30 years to remove milk (yes, milk!) from the Oil Spill Prevention and Control rule saving the dairy industry more than $140 million per year.

Homeowner / Farmowner
Moble Home / Renters Insurance
Washington County Farmers Mutual Insurance Association
Rita Wentz - Manager 740-373-5548
435 Third Street Marietta, Ohio


Ed Long AAMS*
Financial Advisor
Edward Jones
468 Pike Street Marietta, Ohio 45750

---------------------------------------------------------- Reminder: In extreme heat and humidity cattle need extra energy to help get rid of the excess body heat – increase fat 2-3% in the ration to help balance production.


America’s debt now stands at $46,000 for every man, woman, and child. Greece’s current debt stands at $45,000 per man, woman, and child - look at their chaos! We’re slightly worse off than Greece for Heaven’s sake - to think that congress is currently discussing raising the debt again! Why is cutting spending never an option?


For past issues scroll down and click on past posts - Ralph - have a great day!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Agricultural View
May 2011 by Ralph D. Coffman

Farmers Fight for Water
How safe is your right of ownership of the water under your land? Your rights are safe, right? A right of land ownership – if you own the land you own the water under it – is being challenged in Texas. For Farmers, the attacks seem never ending – I wonder what’s next? Well, why are farmers in Ohio being encouraged to start keeping a record of the amount of water they use? This is so farmers can justify their current level of water use should regulators eventually arrive on your farm - see EPA’s latest threat on page 6!

Is HSUS Back? 1, 2, 3, They Never Left!
The Ohio’s Livestock Care Standard’s Board recently moved, by a 7-6 vote, to keep Veal calf standards as they have been (in their current time tested pens) - then what happened? 1. The board received well over 4,500 e-mails in support of HSUS. 2. HSUS then bused 200 supporters from Cleveland and Cincinnati to pack the board’s next public meeting room.
3. The board then unanimously rescinded their motion and added that the calves have to be able to turn around – which was more in line with the state’s agreement. To match HSUS we better e-mail, travel, or pay others like HSUS! See from the Editor’s Desk on Insert page B


A Glance Back – by Hugh Coffman
Waterford Township – by the spring of 1790 the Wolf Creek Mill was in operation. Additional families settled there and clearings on both sides of the river were extended. Game was plentiful including turkeys, deer and some bear. They also fattened some pork.


Freedom Writers
A great movie depicting the challenges that dedicated teachers face trying to balance family time with commitment to your students. Also, it does a great job of depicting the plight that students of different ethnic groups face in urban high schools. Rural students also face their own unique challenges in our schools today.
Alta’s Passions – have a wonderful spring!
One of my passions is living by favorite quotes. “Seek out life’s simple pleasures” is displayed in our entry room. Simple pleasures like spring daffodils, tulips, redbuds, dogwood, lilac, calves and lambs. Oh yes, I can think of many on a farm - even the aroma of hay. Another quote, “Count Your Many Blessings” reminds me of my family, friends, health, home, and to be honest a very long list. John 16:33 “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”. “Every Day is a Gift” and “Bee Happy” Gratitude is the best medicine I know. Please ponder “your” favorite quotes today. 2.

Mercer’s Gems – Letter of Instruction
A letter of instruction can be an important document for the survivors upon one’s death. It can include such things as: A. Family member’s names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail.
B. Preferred Attorney – address, and phone number. C. Preferred Funeral Director – special funeral instructions including funeral program outline. D. Location of burial plot – contact person. E. Where to find the will and who has copies. F. Social Security number, birth certificate, location of original S.S. card and certificate. G. Banking information (checking accounts, savings accounts, CD’s or other undisclosed money). H. Business loans or personal loans made to family members (amounts of loans and agreements). I. Investments (stocks, IRA’s, Roth Accounts, Bonds (where, how much, who to contact). J. Life Insurance Policies (amounts payable on death, Policy numbers, Company and Agents). K. Property and Liability Insurance Policy (amount of coverage and agent). L. Farm Business (records, instructions and where located – Feed Ration Mix, Crop Field Records, Preferred Veterinarian and health practices). M. Crop and Pasture Land Lease and Rental Agreements (located, contact person’s phone number and address). Most of you probably have more things to add - this is a guide to stir your thinking. (Doug)


U.S. Regulatory Czar (Cass Sustein) has written that animals can rightfully sue humans! 3.

The Food Dollar and Farmers
The USDA stated that farmers and agribusiness receive just 11.6 cents of every dollar spent on food in the U.S. That is down from the nearly 20 cents USDA calculated, using a different method, in the past. “American farmers continue to produce more and more food and feed, yet they are receiving less and less of each dollar spent at the retail level,” said Geoff Cooper Renewable Fuels Association Vice President. “Energy intensive activities like food processing, transportation, and packaging gobble up nearly three times the value farmers receive. And as oil prices continue to rise, an even larger share of every dollar spent on food is paying for the higher energy costs facing the entire supply chain.” (Ohio Ag Net)

The federal government posted its largest monthly deficit in history in February 2011 at $223 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Go back to October 5th of 2007 - The Wall Street Journal stated that the CBO estimated the U.S. deficit for the year (2007) at $161 Billion. We are told repeatedly that it’s no problem – will we as citizens ever wake up?


The Washington County Agricultural Teacher’s Association chairman is Kevin Wagner (Career Center). The chairman of Ohio District 10 Agricultural Teacher’s Association is Matt Hartline (Waterford). 4.

God, Teachers and Students
After about ten years of teaching I began telling my students at the start of the school year, “I am a Christian, you can be an atheist and that’s fine - I just want you to know that I am a very religious person.” Years later I read in a book Teach The Children the following study in relation to America’s modern-day unwritten rule in our classrooms: Leave God out of the classroom – leave Him at the school’s door! Following is a brief and general summary of what I read. When we compartmentalize our values to please the world view to be accepted then we only talk about God in select settings such as outside the school but not inside the school. Students who know Christian teachers outside the school learn that who you are depends on where you are and who you are with. This requires the development of two or more separate value systems that lead children to become easily confused and disoriented as they view hypocrisy modeled by significant adults in their lives. Under these conditions the development of the children’s integrity may be restricted; hypocrisy and guile may be taught. For our children this picture, with its stark contrast, is like an ice-cold plunge into secularity – with Christian assistance!
I am reminded of an experience (15+ years ago) with a state educational leader after I dared to defend (God) a voluntary student prayer before meals. He roared, “I am a Christian too but, we (in education) will not ram religion down the throats of students!”

Teenage Corner
A. Have you learned the lesson – if you earn your grades (without cheating) your confidence will grow? B. Do you spend more time studying/working, or texting/talking (socializing) on the phone? C. Do you realize every e-mail you have ever sent or received is on the permanent record of the server that you use?

EPA and Clean Water Act - ATTACK!
The Obama administration 4/27/11 essentially rewrote two U.S. Supreme Court cases and ignored concerns from congress and industry by issuing a guidance, which dramatically expands the regulatory authority of the EPA and the Army Corp of Engineers under the Clean Water Act. Here are 3 points made by National Cattleman’s Beef Association Deputy Environmental Counsel Ashley Lyon: 1. EPA and the Corps have crowned themselves kings of every drop of water in the country – except maybe a backyard pool. 2. The only thing cattle producers can be clear of is that any stream, ditch and pond on their land could easily be subject to regulation. 3. I am shocked that Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack would allow something like this document to go through the review process. A 60-day comment period will soon begin! (Ohio Ag Net)

For securing optimum nutrients 1st cutting hay in our area should be made near Memorial Day - weather permitting.

May (2011 Insert Page) The View
The advertisers in this issue support The Agricultural View and the promotion of agriculture, however, they may not necessarily agree with every point of view within the newsletter.

Farm Market & Greenhouses

Support your local FFA Chapter by becoming a member of the FFA Alumni
Ohio FFA Alumni Association
Contact :
$15 annual $150 lifetime
Spring Reminder: Be sure that lactating cows on pasture have plenty of salt available. A

National Farmers
Maximum Marketing
Contact: Scott Upton 740-517-2577

Getting down to
Agribusiness Register today!
Washington State Community College


From the Editor’s Desk
1. See the extra insert with a copy of my letter concerning our State and National Debt – for our children’s and grandchildren’s sake we better speak to our politicians! 2. After much thought I have decided to share the following information: My loses in 2010 were under $50.00, after having over $500.00 in 2009 loses. (These figures are actual expenses and allow nothing for my time). 3. Thank you contributors - I greatly appreciate you. Any mistakes are all mine – Ralph

Great Book for Sale $10.00
“The Stories of Cowboy Bob O’Dell” (From the Coal Fields to the Cranberry – Hatfield-McCoy, Local Sports Heroes) Call 304-489-9234 or 304-615-2445
or write to Cowboy Bob O’Dell
1293 Chesterfield Road Mineral Wells, WV 26150

Newton Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Contact us:
Phone: 740-423-5000
Toll Free: 888-266-2603
1710 Washington Blvd. Suite A
Belpre, Ohio 45714

The Federal Reserve is printing $75 Billion Dollars each month to fund the budget deficits. I guess in today’s America money does grow on trees – well, it grows on printing-press trees at the Fed. This addiction-like fix has got to end as it devalues our currency which is a major contributor to our higher gas & food prices (Up 6+ %)! C

Scott Hart 35 Ray Harr Road
Owner Beverly, OH 45715 Rainbow
c 740-350-2047 International
o 740-984-2424
Restoration * Cleaning f 740-984-0424
Independently Owned & Operated Franchise
24 Hour Emergency Response
Deodorization Insurance claims from start to finish Carpet, upholstery & drapery cleaning
3M Scotchgard™ treatment Pet stain & odor removal
Tile, grout & hard-surface cleaning ----------------------------------------------------------
Pollution/Jobs, Families, Food on the Table
Approximately 30 years ago a good friend shared the following story in regard to taking his daughter from the Beverly area, up the Valley, to the Wheeling area to visit grandparents. Every time they would pass a factory his young daughter would see the smoke stacks and say, “Bad, evil, pollution daddy.” Then her father would respond, “No dear – jobs, families, food on the table.” As they continued talking his daughter proudly shared that she had learned this from her weekly reading in elementary school.

Dan and Cindy Schott 5503 State Route 821 Whipple, Ohio 45788
740-585-2121 General Mechanic Work Truck Transmission and Rear Ends
4WD Parts and Repair


Edgell-Jackson Trucking, LLC 370 Gravel Bank Road Marietta, Ohio 45750
“Serving the USA Since 1977” 53’ Vans and Flatbeds Available PRESIDENT: MARK EDGELL
Operations Manager: TJ Edgell
Dispatch: Rick Pierce (740-374-2040)
Safety Director: Jo Ann Frame


Students and Prayer
Many years ago, as I was in a hurry after school to get to my next FFA event, just as the bell rang I raced (just like a student) through the shop to beat the busses so I would not be late. Just as I got to the first door the thought - stop and go back - clearly came into my mind. I paused then continued and it occurred again – stop and go back. This time I followed the prompting and went back to my office when suddenly and frantically someone began pounding at my other door. (Continued on page F)

Homeowner / Farmowner
Moble Home / Renters Insurance
Washington County Farmers Mutual Insurance Association
Rita Wentz - Manager 740-373-5548
435 Third Street Marietta, Ohio

Ed Long AAMS*
Financial Advisor
Edward Jones
468 Pike Street Marietta, Ohio 45750

---------------------------------------------------------- As I opened the door a student of mine said, “Mr. Coffman I was praying my heart out that you would still be here!” She realized that she had left information in my room that she had to have that night for an urgent assignment - she also had to immediately race back upstairs to catch her bus. Who says there is no prayer in schools!


Feeder Pigs
Feed approximately 4.5% of their body weight in grain daily. Also, be sure clean water is readily available.

Please contact me with comments - pro or con.


The Debt - Things As They Really Are!
I love America and the freedoms that we currently enjoy. However, we have an out of control problem with no apparent end in sight – government spending is spiraling out of control. Make no mistake that we as citizens are equally at fault. We have cast the votes to elect politicians of both parties allowing this trend. Politicians, after the last presidential election, have gone from excessive speeding to clearly pressing the pedal to the metal of insatiable spending bliss.
I find it interesting and alarming when I hear discussions and read opinions concerning our out of control state and federal debt. Two themes generally emerge with one being that we do have a huge problem and two being that most agree that spending cuts have to occur – as long as they do not affect them or their families. That is primarily how we got in this mess in the first place! This childlike pretending has got to end.
As a child growing up on the family dairy farm I was taught by word and deed that money does not grow on trees – success requires hard work, living within your means and personal sacrifice. These are lessons that today’s politicians should use instead of making emotionally driven decisions to get reelected. Things are as they really are – and not otherwise. For our children’s and grandchildren’s sake, government’s empty searches for cosmetic solutions have got to stop!
In my family many years ago we decided to make significant sacrifices to pay off our home mortgage. We discussed this goal with our young children about specifics ranging from less new clothes, shoes, activities, and driving old cars. After much discussion about the future rewards, everyone agreed to support our family goal. It took a few years but we succeeded. Everyone had experienced sacrifice, the discipline of living within our means and the long term freedoms that come with being debt free.
We as Americans better do our homework, think for ourselves, and make better decisions at the polls. When we pull the lever to vote for a candidate we cannot have our other hand outstretched for immediate payback. If we want our posterity to experience a love of America and freedom, we better quit pretending and see things as they really are. We need to elect politicians that possess a trait that our military men and women possess – courage. They, their staff and their families will need it!
April 2011 Ralph D. Coffman 740-984-2567

Agricultural Education/FFA Teachers born in Washington County (formerly Vocational Agricultural Teachers/Future Farmers of America) - those who have taught for at least a few months: Bobby Anderson, Aaron Arnold, Arthur Arnold, Ed Barnett, Welch Barnett, David Barrett, Jim Barrett, Paul Beach, Herb Brum, Keith Brum, Herb Chamberlain, Allen Clark, Marty Clark, Hugh Coffman, Ralph D. Coffman Jr., Tom Daggett, Roy Diedrich, Jean Skinner Drake, John Dunbar, Dean Fleming, Matt Hartline, Mike Holden, Robert Holdren, Matt Huck, Chuck Ingraham, Kenneth Johnson Jr., John King, Calvin Martin, Dean McCoy, Terry Schafer, Ken Schilling, Kenley Schwendeman, Dwight Smith, Stevan Sprague, Dewey Stollar, Nick Stollar, John Swarz, Kevin Wagner, Julie Witten, Foster Whitacre, Bruce Zimmer.
Please notify me, or Hugh Coffman, of any additions or corrections.
Bonus Insert Page

Monday, April 11, 2011

Attention Letter to the Editor Department: Things re As They Really Are - And Not Otherwise I love America and the freedoms that we currently enjoy. However, we have an out of control problem with no apparent end in sight – government spending is spiraling out of control. Make no mistake that we as citizens are equally at fault. We have cast the votes to elect politicians of both parties allowing this trend. Politicians, after the last presidential election, have gone from excessive speeding to clearly pressing the pedal to the metal of insatiable spending bliss. I find it interesting and alarming when I hear discussions and read opinions concerning our out of control state and federal debt. Two themes generally emerge with one being that we do have a huge problem and two being that most agree that spending cuts have to occur – as long as they do not affect them or their families. That is primarily how we got in this mess in the first place! This childlike pretending has got to end. As a child growing up on the family dairy farm I was taught by word and deed that money does not grow on trees – success requires hard work, living within your means and personal sacrifice. These are lessons that today’s politicians should use instead of making emotionally driven decisions to get reelected. Things are as they really are – and not otherwise. For our children’s and grandchildren’s sake, government’s empty searches for cosmetic solutions have got to stop! In my family many years ago we decided to make significant sacrifices to pay off our home mortgage. We discussed this goal with our young children about specifics ranging from less new clothes, shoes, activities, and driving old cars. After much discussion about the future rewards, everyone agreed to support our family goal. It took a few years but we succeeded. Everyone had experienced sacrifice, the discipline of living within our means and the long term freedoms that come with being debt free. We as Americans better do our homework, think for ourselves, and make better decisions at the polls. When we pull the lever to vote for a candidate we cannot have our other hand outstretched for immediate payback. If we want our posterity to experience a love of America and freedom, we better quit pretending and see things as they really are. We need to elect politicians that possess a trait that our military men and women possess – courage. They, their staff and their families will need it! R.D. Coffman Beverly, Ohio

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Welcome to The Agricultural View by Ralph D. Coffman

(Scroll down for topics of interest, and click on Past Posts for earlier Issues of the View)

The Agricultural View
March 2011 by Ralph D. Coffman

Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board Update:
The Board and committees have met over 80 times since June 1 striving to protect animals and farmers in Ohio. The Ohio Farm Bureau has had a representative at every meeting to fight for and protect farmers. Farm Bureau has not always been pleased with the final decisions of the board. However, the board is being extremely thorough and overall doing a good job. Thankfully, HSUS is not in charge! See:

Albert Einstein and Soybeans – see page 2


Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association (11th Annual Poultry Show) March 26 (Washington County Fairgrounds) Exhibit Hall Open Friday 25th from 1-10 P.M. and Saturday at 6 A.M. with Judging at 9 A.M.) For exhibit/contract information contact: Wyatt Adelsperger 740-678-2883 1345 Windy Ridge Road Vincent, OH 45784 “Entries must be post marked by March 12” Admission is Free & Everyone is Welcome

Teenage Corner – see page 3

* 2 Special Requests – see page 6


Albert Einstein and Soybeans?

In Henry Eyring’s book REFLECTIONS Of A SCIENTIST he shared a funny story about Albert Einstein whom he had spent 13 years with on the faculty at Princeton University. “One day while walking by a garden Henry picked up a soybean plant and asked Albert what the plant was. He didn’t know. Well, I thought what you would have thought: ‘Einstein doesn’t know beans.’ He knew everything else he was just weak on beans.”
Henry Eyring, a farm boy growing up, founded the universally accepted absolute reaction rate formula and authored over 600 scientific books and papers. He was considered a very religious man and was often asked if there was any conflict between science and religion. Henry’s response was, “There is no conflict in the mind of God, but often there is conflict in the mind of man.” Eyring estimated that he had spent about 10 hours personally talking with Einstein. Henry added, “I’d have to classify Einstein as a believer – although Einstein was born a Jew he was not interested in Judaism - he used his belief that God wouldn’t play tricks in getting his general theory of relativity.” Commenting on those who want proof of religion Eyring wrote: “You can’t intellectualize your way to a testimony - there will always be another question beyond the one you have just answered - the same is true in science.”


Cattle Digestion, Feed, and Appetite
The appetite of cattle depends primarily on how much feed is left in their digestive tract. Animals fed easily digested feed, such as ground corn, have better appetites than animals fed hard-to-digest feeds, such as hay. This is because easily digested feeds pass through the tract more quickly and leave the tract empty. The empty tract stimulates appetite (just like humans).
In a normal ration, below are the times it takes feed to pass through the digestive tract of cattle: Rumen and reticulum (61 hours), Omasum (8 hours), Abomasum (3 hours), Small Intestine (7 hours), and Large Intestine (8 hours) totaling almost 4 days. Also, if the hay quality is extremely poor it will take even longer. It is possible for cattle eating extremely poor quality hay to appear not hungry when they are actually struggling nutritionally. Fresh water, available 24 hours a day, is very important for optimum nutrient digestion - the good health of the entire herd.

A Fine Is A Tax For Doing Wrong
A Tax Is A Fine For Doing Well


“Teenage Corner”
In communication with others it is important to understand that: 38% of your communication is your Tone, 55% is your Body Language, and 7% of your communication is your Words!


Cattle Numbers On The Move

All cattle and calves in the United States as of January 1, 2011, totaled 92.6 million head, 1 percent below January 1, 2010. This is the lowest January 1 inventory of all cattle and calves since the 91.2 million on hand in 1958.
All cows and heifers that have calved, at 40.0 million, were down 1 percent from the 40.5 million on January 1, 2010. Beef cows, at 30.9 million, were down 2 percent from January 1, 2010. Milk cows, at 9.1 million, were up 1 percent from January 1, 2010.
The 2010 calf crop was estimated at 35.7 million head, down 1 percent from 2009. This is the smallest calf crop since the 34.9 million born in 1950. (Ohio AG Net)


"Learned Helplessness, and Wild Pigs"

One day a chemistry professor in a large college noticed, while his class was in the lab, a young man (exchange student) who kept rubbing his back, and stretching as if his back hurt. The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist government. In the midst of his story he looked at the professor and asked a strange question, ‘Do you know how to catch wild


pigs?' The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The youngman said this was no joke. 'You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable placein the woods and putting corn on the ground.’ The pigs find it and begin to come every day to eat the free corn. When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence. They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side. Then, the pigs used to the free corn start to come through the gate to eat, you slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd. Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the freecorn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity.


NFO Sausage Supper March 10 at 7 P.M.
at Waterford High School. Guest speaker will be State Veterinary and Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board member Tony Forshey Call Debbie Heiss at 740-984-4747. P-5

Mercer’s Gems
Doug has been my teaching mentor and I can’t name the number of times that his advice directly assisted me in the long term success of my Agricultural Education/FFA program (35 years at Fort Frye). His personal council has been invaluable to me as well. I have often heard testimonials from farmers who have been greatly helped by Doug’s (FBPA) advice and counsel - Ralph. *If you would like to send me a statement of gratitude as to how Doug has helped you please mail it to me and I will try to include it in future issues of the View. Please include your name, address, e-mail address and your title or type of operation – be specific and limit words if possible. The real Mercer’s Gems will return in May.


Attacks on Farmers Continue – Please stay informed: and Remember HSUS is also after Beekeepers, Hunters, Fisherman and those involved with Aquaculture!


From the Editor’s Desk
If you think the View is important and/or beneficial – *would you consider sending a statement as to how or why the View is beneficial? I plan to use them to assist in securing additional subscriptions. P- 6

March (2011 Insert Page) The View


The advertisers in this issue support The Agricultural View and the promotion of agriculture, however, they may not necessarily agree with every point of view within the newsletter.



Farm Market & Greenhouses



Support your local FFA Chapter by becoming a member of the FFA Alumni

Ohio FFA Alumni Association

Contact :


$15 annual $150 lifetime


Congress currently spends nearly five billion dollars a day more than it takes in!




Maximum Marketing

Contact: Scott Upton 740-517-2577 (NFO)


Getting down to


Register today!

Washington State Community College


For each 10 degree drop in temperature below 30 degrees requires an increase of 13% in energy needs for cattle - be sure to factor in wind chill temperature.


*There are many nonfarm unregulated avenues for phosphorus and nitrogen to enter our waterways – including failed septic systems, lawncare fertilizer, and sewage overflows - it’s not all farmers!


Newton Insurance
Agency, Inc.

Contact us:
Phone: 740-423-5000
Toll Free: 888-266-2603

Our agency and Erie Insurance (founded in 1925) are committed to maintaining a high standard of excellence and establishing a strong relationship of mutual trust and service to each of our clients.

1710 Washington Blvd., Suite A
Belpre, Ohio 45714


Send e-mail comments directly to the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board at: or contact Farm Bureau Rep Dr. Leah C. Dorman at:


The Grand Lake St. Marys (GLSM) watershed covers 59,160 acres across Mercer and Auglaize areas. On January 18, 2011 it was designated a watershed in distress as defined in Ohio Administrative Code 1501:15-5-20 resulting in major regulation increases for farmers. (see * page B)


Scott Hart 35 Ray Harr Road
Owner Beverly, OH 45715

Rainbow c 740-350-2047
International o 740-984-2424
Restoration * Cleaning f 740-984-0424
Independently Owned & Operated Franchise
24 Hour Emergency Response

Deodorization Insurance claims from start to finish
Carpet, upholstery & drapery cleaning
3M Scotchgard™ treatment
Pet stain & odor removal
Tile, grout & hard-surface cleaning

America, primarily due to government regulation and federal judges, has not built any new oil refineries since the 1970’s. Following are the % of gasoline costs: Crude Oil = 43% Refinery = 20% Distribution and Marketing = 9% Taxes = 28%


Cattle usually have six to eight rumination periods per day (chewing their cud). A total of 5 to 7 hours are spent in rumination involving 90 to 130 pounds of feed per day.



Dan and Cindy Schott
5503 State Route 821 Whipple, Ohio 45788
General Mechanic Work Truck Transmission and Rear Ends
4WD Parts and Repair


Edgell-Jackson Trucking, LLC

370 Gravel Bank Road
Marietta, Ohio 45750
“Serving the USA Since 1977”
53’ Vans and Flatbeds Available
Operations Manager: TJ Edgell
Dispatch: Rick Pierce (740-374-2040)
Safety Director: Jo Ann Frame

Digestion efficiency of a bale of alfalfa hay:
Cattle = 44% Sheep = 45% Pig = 22%
Horse = 39% (mainly in the cecum)


I find it interesting, and alarming, as I hear discussions concerning the huge budget deficits, both state and federal, the most common themes I hear are:
1. Most clearly agree that we have a significant problem!
2. Most also agree that cuts must occur - as long as they do not affect them personally!


Homeowner / Farmowner
Moble Home / Renters Insurance
Washington County Farmers Mutual Insurance Association

Rita Wentz - Manager
435 Third Street Marietta, Ohio


Ed Long AAMS*
Financial Advisor

Edward Jones

468 Pike Street Marietta, Ohio 45750

Reminder of View Funding Options:
1 calendar year hard copy = $12.00
1 calendar year e-mail copy = $10.00
Ad per Issue = $15.00
Donation = Optional
Ad for 1 calendar year = $60.00


4 Fundamentals of Arc Welding:
1. Current Setting
(based upon thickness of metal and diameter of electrode)
2. Speed of Travel (1” of bead per 1” of electrode)
3. Angle of Electrode (tilt 15 degrees in direction of travel)
4. Arc Length (diameter of electrode)


Monday, January 17, 2011

The Agricultural View
January 2011 by Ralph D. Coffman
(For now, the blog site has every past View issue -
just scroll down and click on past posts for topics of interest to you).

Waterford FFA Excels
After reigning as state champs in Parliamentary Procedure in 2009-10 (thereby qualifying for the national finals in Indianapolis) they recently followed that outstanding performance with a state runner-up finish in 2010-11. There are over 300 FFA Chapters in Ohio! Congratulations to the Waterford FFA and Mr. Hartline. Great Job! (see page F)

The Ohio State University’s College of Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) location rumors – see page F

Mercer’s Gems – see page E

The most neglected nutrient for livestock in the winter is fresh water.

Dr. Dill and Fort Frye – see page 2

Fort Frye and Dr. Matt Dill Following are my thoughts in regard to my experiences with Dr. Matt Dill. I have met with Matt about five times to discuss education and the school district. On two of those occasions I had the opportunity to transport Matt to several farms throughout the school district and both days he felt those visits were so productive that he extended his time well into the afternoon. During his visits with the farmers he was interested not only in their operations but he also wanted their advice. He also asked what needed changed in the district – then he listened. I found him to be sincere, professional and it impressed me that he encouraged teachers to be creative. I imagine that he might modify a decision or two however hindsight is 20/20 vision for all of us. When Dr. Dill secured a new superintendent’s job, I was pleased when 4 members of the board recently did the right thing by voting (4-1) to rescind their decision to non-renew Dr. Dill. I am hopeful that the board will hire a new superintendent who encourages faculty creativity, has an equally sincere interest in agriculture (farmers and FFA) as Dr. Dill, and maintains the financially sound principles previously structured and implemented by David Vandenberg. 2

Are Most Farmers Too Busy - Why?
When I was a young boy, the Coffman family would yearly congregate at Grandma and Grandpa Clemens Coffman’s home and it was quite a gathering. Ray Coffman (Uncle Ray as we called him), who was a businessman from Columbus, would always look for any new purchases on the farm and ask, “What is the purpose of that piece of new equipment?” The response was generally that it was more efficient – it saves time. Ray’s response was always the same, “What are you doing with all of the time that you are saving?” For some reason this question and response stuck with me, and when I reached my twenties I reflected on that experience and my conclusion was that we, as the years passed, became much busier on the farm. Farmers today are asked to produce more food with less land, less energy, more regulation and with much less labor! This task keeps most farmers so busy that they have no time or energy left to make their plight and opinions known. They are too busy working to feed the world.

A Glance Back by Hugh Coffman
In April of 1789 in the Waterford Township area settlers discovered 80 acres of Muskingum bottom ground that had

already been cleared of trees by the Indians. The settlers burned the leaves and filth and then planted it to corn. Three thousand bushels of corn were later harvested and shared with the Belpre and Marietta settlements for fall and winter.

Is Reading Important for Farmer’s?
I used to tell my students that it was crucial that they develop a love for reading (a lost art in today’s world). Otherwise, they would likely have little influence and live at the mercy of others. They would become like a meandering stream – following the path of least resistance. To make well informed decisions and have influence it is essential that we all be well read and informed. --------------------------------------------------------

Stay informed and share information with as many as possible:

Forward Forever, Backward Never, Within Ourselves, Our Future Lies. A. Rainey

New Year’s (write out & read daily) Goals: S pecific M easureable (87% of the population A ccountable have no goals and are R ealistic broke and bored with life) T imed

Salmonella / E. coli
Most food borne illnesses occur from improper handling at home. However, contamination can occur anywhere in the farm - fork continuum. In more recent years E. coli outbreaks such as spinach and others have likely occurred at the time of processing or in the field, where there are a number of potential sources of contamination, including soil, fertilizer, water, or wildlife. Preliminary research indicates that E. coli can be recovered from fruits and vegetables as researchers have tried to disinfect using extreme labor procedures, far and beyond anything that could be used in the commercial setting. However, the data suggests that pathogens can find a way to survive and reproduce inside plant tissues, where they are protected from disinfecting solutions. Most E. coli strains are actually harmless and live in the intestines of healthy humans and animals. E. coli 0157:H7, however, produces a powerful toxin that likely causes over one hundred thousand infections and over fifty deaths yearly in America. I have heard some interesting discussions as to how powerful these germs could become. What about the germs that survive our all out efforts to eliminate them?

From the Editor’s Desk
1. Thank you for your fina
ncial support - I can’t continue the View without it. 2. If you wish to subscribe, put in an ad, or make a donation please notify me ($12 annual hard copy, $10 e-mail copy, ad $60 annual / $15 for one issue, or donation). 3. This issue will go to nearly 500 homes. Approximately 100 have made financial contributions (ad, subscription, or donation) over the two year history of the Agricultural View. Beginning in March, I will be unable to mail all of the subsidized copies. 4. My initial goal was to write the View for 2-5 years pending financial support. I have a passion and concern for the plight of farmers. I am attempting to make people aware of, and get people talking about, the plight of farmers. Farmers are under attack from every direction. A former student, and currently a good friend of mine, once told me years ago that as long as people have relatively cheap food and there is plenty of food on the shelves of stores, people could care less about the plight of farmers.
5. I am available to speak to your group on a variety of topics. Call 740-984-2567 to discuss possible topics and schedule a time.
Please share this with others. Any mistakes are all mine. Ralph D. Coffman 566 Elk Run Road Beverly, Ohio 45715 6

January (2011 Insert Page) The View

The advertisers in this issue support The Agricultural View and the promotion of agriculture, however, they may not necessarily agree with every point of view within the newsletter.

Witten Farm Market & Greenhouses

Teenage Corner
On the average, teenagers spend 8 hours per day and over 50 hours per week with (electronic) social media. One in three youth will send over 100 text messages (1 ½ hours) per day. How much is too much?
As a student it is very important to refocus and reset your goals for the rest of the school year. Get off to a good start in 2011 - remember a major key to your success is the people you associate with.

Scott Hart 35 Ray Harr Road
Owner Beverly, OH 45715 Rainbow
c 740-350-2047 International o 740-984-2424
Restoration * Cleaning f 740-984-0424
Independently Owned & Operated Franchise
24 Hour Emergency Response / Deodorization Insurance claims from start to finish Carpet, upholstery & drapery cleaning 3M Scotchgard™ treatment Pet stain & odor removal Tile, grout & hard-surface cleaning

The Bakken Formation discovered in America has 8 times as much oil reserves as Saudi Arabia! ----------------------------------------------------------

Ed Long - AAMS Financial Advisor
Edward Jones
468 Pike Street Marietta, Ohio 45750

Home owner Farm Owner Mobile Homes Renters Ins.
Washington County Farmers Mutual Insurance Association
“Your Shield of Protections since 1897”
RITA WENTZ 435 Third Street
Manager Marietta, OH 45750

The average cow produces 100 glasses of milk per day.

HSUS “Takeovers” Escalate!
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) continues to take over other animal groups. Wayne Pacelle calls his takeover of the extremist Fund for Animals and the respectable Doris Day Animal League simply “corporate combinations.” I wonder why he continues the power grab of numerous animal groups?

Edgell-Jackson Trucking, LLC
370 Gravel Bank Road Marietta, Ohio
PRESIDENT: MARK EDGELL Operations Manager: TJ Edgell
Dispatch: Rick Pierce Safety Director: Jo Ann Frame
Serving the USA Since 1977
Phone 740-374-2040 Fax 740-374-2015
53’ Vans and Flatbeds Available C

Landmark “Milk Carbon Footprint” Study
The fluid milk carbon footprint study is the first of its kind for a US agricultural product. The study is the dairy industry's initial step in a comprehensive, science based, approach to measure and improve its carbon footprint. It will give real world answers to management practices and technology as to how they affect the carbon footprint. According to Cornell University, the carbon footprint of Milk production dropped by 63% between 1944 and 2007. This was accomplished by production efficiencies, nutrition management and other on farm improvements. (The Ohio AG Net)

Support your local FFA Chapter by becoming a member of the FFA Alumni
(Note the corrected e-mail address below)
Ohio FFA Alumni Association

Getting down to Agribusiness
Register today!
Washington State Community College

Mercer’s Gems
Woody Hayes once said, when ask about the Ohio State football team, that the team was either getting better or getting worse. A team never continues to stay the same. This theory is also true when we look at the financial position of our family or business.
One valuable tool for checking the health of our financial position is to use a Net Worth statement - a Balance Sheet. A Net Worth statement once a year permits us to stop time and look at the capital we
own. When compared to the statements of previous years we can determine whether our financial position has improved or declined - it never stays the same! (Doug)

Article III in the Northwest Ordinance Stipulated that for a territory to become a state, their schools had to teach religion and morality as well as knowledge!

The original Ohio Constitution stated: “Religion, morality, and knowledge, being essential to the good government, and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of instruction shall forever be encouraged by legislative provision.”

New and expanding emissions standards for farm equipment took effect January 1.

Corn Growers and Wheat Growers Unite
The Ohio Corn Growers Association (OCGA) and Ohio Wheat Growers Association (OWGA) have taken steps to unite to better represent the interests of thousands of grain farmers throughout the Buckeye State. They will become a single entity as of Jan. 1, 2011.

Waterford FFA Members Placing 2nd in Ohio Parliamentary Procedure in December were Cameron Bookman, James Whalin, Blake Campbell, Katrina Ford, Kelsey Pugh, Jessica Coulter, Cassie Campbell, and Autumn Hendershot. The team’s coach was Matthew Hartline.

CFAES Rumors
1. Yes, students have been evicted from the livestock barn student housing near the airport however it is due to safety regulations. The short term plan is to make improvements that can allow students to return for approximately six to eight years. 2. Yes, the College of Agriculture’s buildings will return to the main campus (East of the Olentangy River) where many buildings originated years ago. Examples: The old horse barn use to be where St. Johns Arena currently resides and the Agricultural Engineering building also use to be located on main campus.

“Say Hello To Service”
888-266-2603 740-423-5000
1710 Washington Blvd. Belpre, Ohio

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Agricultural View
November 2010
by Ralph D. Coffman

From the Editor’s Desk
Thank you for your support. I have decided to continue with the View in 2011.
Please complete the (green) subscription, donation, ad, form and return it to me.
Also, I am available to speak to your group.

Mercer’s Gems – see page 2
Hunting Farmer Guilty? - see page 3
“GREENPEACE” Alarm– see pages 4 & 5
The U.S. EPA is currently in the process of assessing how to further regulate dust created by (food producers) farmers!
In the 1300’s in England it was said that the going rate to rent a hand written Bible for an hour was expensive - wagon load of hay.
The Federal Government is now the nation’s largest employer with 2 million civilian employees!
HSUS endorses Ted Strickland – see page 6

Mercer’s Gems
During the 37 years I taught F. B. P. A. I found that doing an 11 month Tax Estimate saved farmers a lot of money. A tax estimate permitsone to project what your taxes might be if no action is taken.
Since most farmers are using the cash basis accounting method they are permitted to deduct farm expenses in the year of purchase without being offset by a closing inventory. This permits them to purchase future expenses such as feed, fertilizer and seed to reduce their current farm income.
Doing an estimate before the end of the year allows time to prepay expenses or consider machinery purchases before it is too late. Don't wait until you are in your tax preparer's office and faced with a largetax burden that could have been prevented.
If you need help in preparing a tax estimate contact Marty Clark AgriBusiness Planning & Analysis Instructor at the Washington County Career Center. Call 740-373-6283. (Doug) ----------------------------------------------------------Teen Corner - (popular writers and speakers on the new teenage entitlement mentality) Richard and Linda Eyre said, “This generation of teens seems to believe that someone will always bail you out, get you off the hook, buy you a new one, make excuses for you, get you another chance, pay your debt and give you what you ask for.” (Any ideas why?) 2

Alarming Hunting Experience for Farmer!
Can you imagine arriving at a specific location on your farm early one morning and being excited about your hunting opportunity?
You think that you are safely on your own land (private property) and you are a bit startled when suddenly appearing from the trees are approximately five enforcement officers from the Ohio Division of Wildlife (ODNR), but they are acting very friendly.
The farmer then had a friendly conversation with the officers. He didn’t realize that they were secretly recording him and actually looking for evidence. The farmer had freely offered that he was turkey hunting. He shared that he had been putting out shelled corn to entice the turkeys into the area but that he had stopped putting the corn out two weeks prior. He thought that had been, and still was, the state law.
The officers had a different view of the law – there could be no shelled corn currently on the land. Since the officers already had the farmer admitting guilt on tape the deal was sealed – the farmer was guilty. The officers then charged him with hunting wild turkey on baited ground and confiscated his gun. Later the farmer was sentenced to no hunting for one year and to pay a $300 fine, plus court costs.
Landowners BEWARE - Three landowners in Noble County all went through similar scenarios. Our Tax Dollars at Work! Who has the authority to change the law – what is the process – how are landowners informed? 3

Greenpeace is the largest environmental organization in the world. It was founded in Vancouver by a group of American draft dodgers in 1969 (bankrolled by Quakers).
The current Amsterdam based group has amassed an estimated 360 million dollar global empire. In the United States it currently spends a meager 10 million per year. As is the case with all of these radical anti groups they seem to stand more for money then for the environment. It has an international membership of 5 million with offices in 20 countries. These groups will on occasion get involved in worthy projects with the sole intent of sucking in new unsuspecting and caring citizens. Before you know it their hand slips into your pocket after they have gained your trust.
Many years ago I had the opportunity to hear a speaker from Greenpeace and although he spoke with great passion he basically wanted more government regulations and enough government takeover in farming to force the growing emergence of organic farming. Ironically, Greenpeace is heavily invested in organic foods while developing their own major line of organic foods. Somehow they avoid public censure by hiding behind its “not for profit” status and its U.S. tax exemption.
In November February 2001 the

International Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources reported that Greenpeace was one of the largest organic farmers in Europe thereby alarming many of its supporters.
In February 2001 Greenpeace blasted genetically improved “golden rice,” a enhanced crop that could save hundreds of thousands of Third World children from blindness and death. Within 24 hours they were exposed as political extremists and Greenpeace backed down after a slew of membership cancellations.
In March 2001 Patrick Moore, who was one of the original founders in the basement of a Unitarian Church in Vancouver in 1969, and became a critic, charged that the group had become, “Anti-human,” “anti-technology and anti-science,” “anti-trade,” anti-free-enterprise,” and “basically anti-civilization.”
I occasionally hear a crop farmer say something that hints that there is too much focus and money spent to fight animal rights groups. Although this feeling may be understandable we must always remember that environmental groups are equally well established, loaded with millions of dollars, and very influential politically. This includes influence with the U.S. EPA which clearly has an insatiable power grabbing appetite.

Bill Johnson
For Ohio Congress 6th District

Do your homework, and VOTE!

The Gulf oil spill was called the greatest disaster in the world’s history by many experts. Six months later they can’t find the oil, and these same experts seem to be alarmed - even a bit annoyed. I am grateful to God for creating such a resilient earth.


HSUS Endorses Ted Strickland
After Wayne Pacelle (HSUS) praised Governor Strickland for being the key to brokering the HSUS agreement with agricultural group leaders in Ohio last year the Human Society of the United States followed up that praise recently by officially endorsing Ted Strickland for Governor.
Ironically, according to the Columbus Dispatch, during a debate with John Kasich, Governor Strickland clearly distanced himself from the agreement by denying any significant role at all in the agreement. However, after looking back at the news conference and related articles announcing the agreement - the Governor was clearly credited, and in charge of that P.R. event. 6

November (2010 Insert Page) The View

The advertisers in this issue support The Agricultural View and the promotion of agriculture, however, they may not necessarily agree with every point of view within the newsletter.


Selenium is very important for calving (uterine muscle contractions, retained placenta).
Be sure it is supplemented as needed.
(5% is normal for retained placentas)

Say What?
The Department of Energy was instituted on August 4, 1977 to lessen America’s dependence on foreign oil.
In 2010 the department has a $24.2 Billion yearly budget, 16,000 federal employees and has approximately 100,000 contract employees - what has been accomplished? 33 years ago 30% of our oil was foreign imports and now it is 70%!
To think that the federal government is now also involved in banking, the automobile and health care industries.


Our packers want your steers and cull cows!
National Farmers Organization
Northeastern OH Jeff Rautseyer 330-749-7793 Southeastern OH Scott Upton 740-378-6102 Western OH Pat Lampert 937-726-2341

Getting down to
Register today!
Washington State Community College ----------------------------------------------------------

When you reseed legumes (Ex. alfalfa, clover) make sure to know the pH of your soil. No matter how good a job you do or how good the seed is it won’t matter if the pH is too acidic – it should be neutral (7 pH)

Ed Long - Financial Advisor
468 Pike Street Marietta, Ohio 45750 740-373-5437


State Farm
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Coffman Insurance Agency Terry Coffman, Agent
426 Third Street Marietta, Ohio 45750-2101 740-373-6399


Witten Farm
& Greenhouses

H & S Construction, LLC Scott Hart
Joe Schilling
Beverly, Ohio 740-984-0203
Commercial & Residential
WV# 033991


Become an FFA Alumni Member
Annual dues are $15 & Lifetime dues $150


Join the Ohio Farm Bureau ($55.00)
(Contact a Farm Bureau Member)


P.O. Box 10 Barlow, Ohio 45712
Served In The Tradition Of Yesterday
Charles F. Seaman
740-678-2450 1-800-428-2450


William D. McFarland
Washington County Auditor
205 Putnam Street
Marietta, Ohio 45750
740-373-6623 Ext. 263 Work
740-374-3304 Residence

A Glance Back – Hugh Coffman
The PIONEER BRAND became the Marietta Truck Growers label. One week in the 1950’s they shipped 85,000 ten pound baskets of tomatoes via 50 trucks to neighboring states. They disbanded in 1976.

Hard Copy - See Label


Scott Hart 35 Ray Harr Road
Owner Beverly, OH 45715
Rainbow c 740-350-2047
International o 740-984-2424
Restoration * Cleaning f 740-984-0424
Independently Owned & Operated Franchise
24 Hour Emergency Response / Deodorization Insurance claims from start to finish Carpet, upholstery & drapery cleaning 3M Scotchgard™ treatment Pet stain & odor removal Tile, grout & hard-surface cleaning


Will Farmers Survive the Power Grab?
Do you ever wonder, with 1 billion starving people in the world, and according to government statistics a rapidly growing number of poor in America, why farming is always under attack from every direction? What is the common denominator of PETA, HSUS, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, the EPA, the media to name a few - the theme they all have in common? They all promote increased government control of farming. Is there anything potentially more powerful then money? Yes, control of the food & water supply through insatiable regulation assisted by federal judges.


Administrators, Boards, Parents - Beware!
In our modern age of increasing minority rule, it is very important to stay involved and in tune to the programs and materials that are infiltrating our schools across America.
Not only materials from HSUS, Greenpeace, Sierra Club or PETA to name four of the numberless groups but one new rapidly growing fad is programs fostered from groups like GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network).
Do the following catch phrases (programs, policies, curriculums) sound innocent enough to you? “Welcoming Schools” “Anti-bullying” “Safe Schools”
One example was in Alameda, California. The same day that Proposition 8 – a law defining marriage between a man and a woman – was upheld by the state supreme court, the Alameda school board pushed through a curriculum that promoted homosexuality, including gay marriage, instruction to all elementary students.
Parents who objected discovered that they could not opt-out their kids from this teaching – why? The board had adopted the curriculum in the name of fighting bullying.
The parents fought it in court and a judge determined that bullying lessons did not qualify as health instruction so the opt-out provision did not apply!

Secularity, by proclaiming that death is the end, thereby subtracts from secular thinking any final accounting of our acts and choices.

The following is copied and pasted from the hard copy mailing so please adjust accordingly.
Check one of the following for 2011 and mail it back by December 10th.
Also see below
___One Year hard copy mail Subscription - $12.00 (6 annual Issues starting in January).
___One Year e-mail or blog site subscription - $10.00 (6 Issues)
___Donation If you wish to contribute more than $12.00 (to assist with labor & a subscription).
___Ad for one year - $60.00 (ad details including individual issues, see below.
___Please carry over my previous donation given in 2010 to cover me in 2011.

Please send me the following information that applies to you.
Print Name -
E-mail -
(If changed) hard copy mailing address
Phone #

Make checks payable to: Ralph D. Coffman – The Agricultural View
Mail to: 566 Elk Run Road Beverly, Ohio 45715
or E-mail to:

One ad is the size of a business card and costs $60.00 for the year, or $15.00 per issue. Ads include a subscription for 2011.
Include business card and/or Ad information and call 740-984-2567 with questions. Also, sometimes it looks better for me to type the business card info onto the newsletter (some business cards copy more clearly than others do).

Next Issue is January 2011

Thank you supporters (subscribers, ads and donations)! You are appreciated - Ralph

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Agricultural View
September 2010
by Ralph D. Coffman

Back to School Student Tips
1. To improve your direction, or focus, write out some specific goals for the school year.
2. Sit on the front row if you have a choice.
3. Develop good daily study habits (routines) the first few days then stick to them.
4. You need to be very selective in whom you choose to be around before school, after school, during lunch or in study hall – you become like the people you associate with.
5. Take good notes and let your teachers know that you desire to learn and do your best. Note: As a teacher, if you asked each student if they have a desire to listen and learn each day too many students would be very hesitant to respond affirmatively. I wonder why? This is just one problem in our classrooms today.

Mercer’s Gems
With savings accounts and CD’s interest at 1% or less a better investment you might consider would be to make extra payments on a loan or credit card debt. A dollar saved is a dollar earned. For example: $50,000.00 at 6% interest for a 30 year loan can be reduced to a 20 year payoff by making an extra $58.00 payment per month. Total interest saved could be as much as $22,080.00 depending on how early in the life of the loan you began making the extra payment. Credit card debt could yield 18% - 22% return on the amount of each extra payment therefore this should be the debt that you pay first - Doug. 1

From the Editor’s Desk
The View is a tremendous amount of work, a huge responsibility, and I believe it is a much needed promotion of agriculture. Check out: and

The November Issue will have 2011 subscription, donation and ad information.
Also, see my latest farm poem (A Farmers Plight – Do You Care?) by going to the blog site listed at the top of page one, or call 984-2567 and I will mail you a copy. (Example: Fourth Verse Line 2) Heck, even the Amish, yes the Amish, are under attack for pollution! ----------------------------------------------------------------

A peak in the use of commercial fertilizer occurred in the early 1980’s. U.S. consumption of P and K has since declined, while N consumption has remained relatively stable.


1 billion people are starving in the world (according to the United Nations), yet the very foundation of our current food production system is being challenged and threatened by technological constraints, social doubts, poor scientific education and philosophical differences. What is wrong with this picture?


A Glance Back – Hugh Coffman
Farmers in SE Ohio formed The Marietta Truck Growers in 1908 to market their very high quality vegetable crops. By the 1920’s it included over 700 growers and packed produce for delivery throughout the eastern U.S.


Cattle on heavy corn silage diets need sulfur.

During pregnancy 2/3 of the fetus’ growth actually occurs during the last 1/3 of the pregnancy.

Washington State - Agribusiness
The agribusiness management program at Washington State will be offering three courses on the fall schedule. Classes start September 13 and include: Introduction to Agribusiness Management Tuesdays/Thursdays 10 A.M. to 11:50 A.M; Introduction to Agribusiness Management (Evening course) Monday 6 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.; Principles of Agribusiness Sales Tuesday/Thursday 8 to 10 A.M.


Ohio has more than 76,000 farms.


Could a Weather Model Tell You When to Apply Manure? When it rains, the nitrogen and phosphorus in freshly applied manure is much more likely to run off and pollute nearby water sources, which can end up degrading water quality throughout the watershed. Researchers are working on a program to help farmers control runoff by providing better information on application timing. They hope to give farmers a user-friendly tool that can be used to optimize fertilizer runoff management and enhance water quality.Hydrologist Tony Buda and soil scientist Peter Kleinman with USDA's Agricultural Research Service are contributing to the development of a Web-based "fertilizer forecast." The scientists want to create a tool that produces 24-hour and 5-day runoff forecasts that are as user-friendly as weather forecasts. The scientists are based at the ARS Pasture Systems & Watershed Management Research Unit in University Park, Pennsylvania.


We have a 300 year supply of coal in Ohio and as we regulate its’ use out of existence we create another big problem - sulfur is a key part of every essential element needed by man. (1997 Dr. Jack Cline - The Ohio State University)

Beef Sale Alert Saturday September 18th at 1 P.M.
52 lots of Registered Shorthorn & Shorthorn
Plus calves, bulls, bred heifers and cow/calf pairs to sell in a cowboy auction at the farm. Pictures and details on website:
S & J Cattle Company (Scott & JoAnn Pfeiffer) 4315 Marion Johnson Road
Albany, Ohio 45710 740-593-5090


Ohio produces 7.1 billion eggs per year


AgriBusiness Planning & Analysis (APA - formerly FBPA) at the Career Center. Business management classes, computer software for financial records and cost of production analysis. Contact: Marty Clark 740-373-6283 or


Ohio has 14.5 million acres of land being used for agricultural purposes – more than half of the land area in the state. No wonder agriculture is Ohio’s #1 industry!

Say What?
How many pages of documents has the federal government (current administration) filed, for the federal judge to review, to keep the deepwater drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico? (Approximately 27,000 pages)

Pacelle’s Back!
Wayne Pacelle (HSUS), with reportedly 500,000 signatures in storage, recently met with the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board. It defies logic that they can legally store the signatures and use the same signatures for any future campaign. Anyone can attend and speak at these public meetings, including you. Pacelle made the following statements, among others, to the board:
“The nation will be watching what you do.”
“We want to see it (agreement) succeed. We want you (board) to succeed.”
“We don’t want to run a ballot issue in this state. It is very expensive and should be a last resort.”
Concerning accepting the recent agreement Pacelle said, “It would be a shame to squander an opportunity because we have a historic alliance of humane and agriculture groups.”


The Founding Fathers Believed Each Law Should Be Written in Simple, Non-Technical Language One example:
Thomas Jefferson: “Laws are made for men of ordinary understanding, and should therefore be construed by the ordinary rules of common sense. Their meaning is not to be sought for in metaphysical subtleties which make anything mean everything or nothing, at pleasure.” Jefferson roasted the British Parliament for writing acts that were “tautologous, involved, and parenthetical jargon.” He called their statutes “barbarous, uncouth, and unintelligible.”


In the United States we (citizens and government) seem to regard thrift as an evil to be avoided at all costs. One of my ten suggestions to the Ohio
Livestock Standards Care Board was, “government has an embarrassing record of thrift – please, do not spend a penny on anything that is not a necessity!” Ralph


Beware - Health Care Surprises Mount
1. Beginning in January 2012, businesses are required to file with the IRS for every business to business transaction over $600. This includes all transactions, not just health care ones. (Section 9006)
2. Beginning January 2011, individuals are not allowed to use Flexible Savings Accounts, Health Reimbursement Accounts, and Health Savings Accounts to purchase over-the-counter medicines. (Section 9003)
3. Beginning in 2013 you will pay a 3.8% federal real estate tax if you sell your home.


World’s Biggest Tractor The Big Bud 747 tractor was built in Havre, Montana back in 1977 by Ron Harmon and the crew of the Northern Manufacturing Company. It can work more than one acre per minute, at speeds up to 8 MPH. It has 900+ horse power, measures 27 feet long, 20 feet wide, 14 feet tall, and weighs about 100-thousand pounds.

HSUS, PETA, with the media’s assistance, feast on the egg Salmonella problem and take advantage of farmer’s plight by calling for the elimination of farm practices, and the promotion of their vegetarian lifestyle. Salmonella outbreaks in the past have occurred in key vegan diet foods including tomatoes and peanut butter. Salmonella is one of many foodborne illnesses that can, and do, pop up in many foods at any time.


The philosophy of the school in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next. (Abraham Lincoln) 6

September Insert Page - The View


*The advertisers in this issue support The Agricultural View and the promotion of agriculture, however, they may not necessarily agree with every point of view within the newsletter.

In a newborn calf only one of their four stomach compartments is developed at birth – the abomasum or 4th compartment which is also nick-named the true stomach. Connecting the esophagus with the abomasum is an esophageal groove which allows the milk to travel from the esophagus to the abomasum.

Bill Johnson
For Ohio Congress 6th District

War of 1812
What was the cause of our second war with England? Impressment – when English ships could not find enough men to work for them they would go ashore and capture Americans then force them to work by beating and starving them until they succumbed. They also attacked American ships. Thousands of Americans were taken from their families and some were ultimately imprisoned in England. A

Our packers want your steers and cull cows!
National Farmers Organization Northeastern OH Jeff Rautseyer 330-749-7793
Southeastern OH Scott Upton 740-378-6102
Western OH Pat Lampert 937-726-2341

Getting down to
Agribusiness Register today!
Washington State Community College

Last Alfalfa Cutting
To allow for enough regrowth (in northern climates) to reduce the risk of winter injury, try to avoid cutting from September 10 to October 1. Poor timing can negatively affect stored root food reserves leading to poor winter survival.

Ed Long - Financial Advisor
Edward Jones
468 Pike Street Marietta, Ohio 45750 740-373-5437

State Farm
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Coffman Insurance Agency
Terry Coffman, Agent
426 Third Street Marietta, Ohio 45750-2101 740-373-6399


Witten Farm

Market & Greenhouses

H & S Construction, LLC Scott Hart
Joe Schilling
Beverly, Ohio 740-984-0203
Commercial & Residential
WV# 033991


If you support agriculture and the FFA become a member of the Ohio and/or National FFA Alumni Association (Lexie Poulson) at: or your local Ag. Ed. Teacher. Annual dues are $15.00 & Lifetime dues are $150.00

P.O. Box 10 Barlow, Ohio 45712
Served In The Tradition Of Yesterday
Charles F. Seaman
740-678-2450 1-800-428-2450


William D. McFarland
Washington County Auditor
205 Putnam Street
Marietta, Ohio 45750
740-373-6623 Ext. 263 Work
740-374-3304 Residence


This newsletter goes to over 400 homes and to nearly one hundred Agricultural Education/FFA departments. Please share it.

Please thank, and patronize where possible, our sponsors.


Farmers must remain very careful as it is scary what editing videos, a change of context and written script can do. VIDEOS = BIG MONEY.


Ohio’s farmers produce 5.2 million turkeys.


Scott Hart 35 Ray Harr Road
Beverly, OH 45715 Rainbow c 740-350-2047
International o 740-984-2424
Restoration * Cleaning f 740-984-0424
Independently Owned & Operated Franchise
24 Hour Emergency Response / Deodorization Insurance claims from start to finish Carpet, upholstery & drapery cleaning
3M Scotchgard™ treatment
Pet stain & odor removal
Tile, grout & hard-surface cleaning


Hardware Disease in Cattle
Hardware disease in ruminants occurs as result of prehension (engulfing food without chewing) which can allow the cattle to easily swallow nails, wire, staples which end up in the reticulum (2nd stomach or honeycomb as it looks like a honeycomb on the surface). The metal will often rust away in time however on occasion it will penetrate the reticulum wall causing pain resulting in the cow to hump up and causing the stomach contractions to cease.

In 1985, researchers at the Department of Education studied the top 60 history textbooks used in the United States – used by 88% of the nation’s students – to see how history was being taught. What was documented was stunning: in one study of the 3rd and 6th grade readers, there were
670 stories that dealt with American History of which only 5 dealt with the founding era! Three of the five were about Sybil Ludington, who in 1777 climbed on horseback to warn them that the British were coming; the fourth dealt with a young girl who wanted to serve in Washington’s army, was not allowed to but carried food to them at Valley Forge; and the fifth dealt with a young boy who single handedly caught a British soldier stealing vegetables out of his garden. Not a single story about Patrick Henry, Daniel Boone, Nathan Hale or Paul Revere!

Nitrogen’s 4 Functions
1. Prevents chlorosis (low chlorophyll will slow photosynthesis)
2. Induces vigorous, rapid plant growth (key to cell division) 3. Increases protein content of crops (key for amino acids)
4. Nourishes soil microorganisms (bacteria and protozoa)


If possible, it is a good idea to make cattle feel comfortable and have a painless experience their first time in the chute. ---------------------------------------------------

I know that there is some consternation concerning the agreement brokered by Governor Strickland between HSUS and Agricultural leaders however, I suspect that there are likely many fights, including videos, to come, and we all better stay informed and be ready! Keep your nonfarm neighbors and friends informed. (Ralph)